Legend:  spicy spicy  

10. Deep Fried Squid with Chili Pepper 椒鹽鮮魷 Spicy

1. Malaysian Style Roti 馬來薄餅


9. Deep Fried Tofu with Chili Pepper 椒鹽豆腐 Spicy

5. Veggie Spring Rolls (5 pcs) 迷你炸春捲 (5條)

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4. Takoyaki 章魚燒

Octopus balls.

2. Satay Skewers: Chicken & Beef 串燒沙爹 (各3串)雞和牛

Three skewers each.

6. Deep Fried Chicken Wings with Fries 香炸雞全翼配薯條

3. Curry Fish Balls & Tofu 咖哩魚蛋豆腐 Spicy

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8. Fries 炸薯條

7. Deep Fried Sole Fish Fillet & Onion Rings 炸魚柳洋蔥圈

11. Roasted Chicken Caesar Salad 燒雞凱撒沙律